Our journal paper “Real-3DGS: Sensor Fusion-based Realistic Scale Environmental Modeling for Simulation of Autonomous Driving” was accepted to Journal of Digital Contents Society. (2024.09.26)
One journal paper “AWV-MOS-LIO: Adaptive Window Visibility based Moving Object Segmentation with LiDAR Inertial Odometry” was accepted to IEEE Transcations on Intelligent Vehicles within the top 1.3%[Paper]. (2024.08.14)
The conference paper “A Research on Radar Tracking Algorithm for Accurate Human Location Tracking” was awarded as an outstanding paper at the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korea Digital Contents Society. (2024.07.25)
Seonghyeon Kim joined AIM Lab. (2024.07.01)
Our journal paper “Improved Depth Completion with a Two-Branch Backbone Based on CNN-ViT Integration Module” was accepted to Transactions of KSAE. (2024.05.07)
Seongjun Kim joined AIM Lab. (2024.03.01)
Junseo Park has left AIM Lab due to military service. We wish his good luck in his future. (2023.12.31)
Hyeonseung Lee joined AIM Lab. (2023.07.01)
Mine Park joined AIM Lab. (2023.07.01)
Gaeun Lee has left AIM Lab. We wish her good luck in her future. (2023.05.17)
Taeyoung Lee and Kyungjun Lim (Robotics Lab in Hyundai Motor Company) visited AIM Lab. (2023.05.12)
Minchae Choe joined AIM Lab. (2023.05.03)
Seongjun Kim joined AIM Lab. (2023.05.01)
Gahyun Park joined AIM Lab. (2023.04.13)
Minchul Lee (COO at ACELAB) visited AIM Lab. (2022.11.10)
Byengjae Ko has left AIM Lab due to military service. We wish his good luck in his future. (2022.12.31)
Gaeun Lee and Junseo Park joined AIM Lab. (2022.10.05)
One journal paper “PCSCNet: Fast 3D semantic segmentation of LiDAR point cloud for autonomous car using point convolution and sparse convolution network” was accepted to Expert Systems with Applications within the top 6.4% [Paper]. (2022.09.08)
The AIM Lab team (Seokyoung Kim, Byengjae Ko, Minyoung Kim, Isu Han) was awarded the Silver Prize in AI Autonomous Racer Competition at International Electric Vehicle Expo. (2022.05.04)
Wontaik Lim (CEO at ACELAB) visited AIM Lab. (2022.04.27)
Kyungjun Lim (Robotics Lab in Hyundai Motor Company) visited AIM Lab. (2022.04.12)
Yuri Seo joined AIM Lab. (2022.04.25)
One journal paper “Cloud Update of Geodetic Normal Distribution Map based on Crowd-sourcing Detection against Road Environment Changes” was accepted to Journal of Advanced Transportation [Paper]. (2022.03.30)
AI Lab(Prof. Jo et al.) visited AIM Lab. (2022.03.11)
Seokyoung Kim joined AIM Lab. (2022.01.24)
Byengjae Ko joined AIM Lab. (2021.12.01)
Wontaik Lim (CEO at ACELAB) visited AIMLab. (2021.11.19)
Chansoo Kim joined Chonnam University as Assistant Professor. (2021.09.01)