

Visual SLAM

Hand-craft based features (ORB, SIFT) and AI based features (SuperPoint, M-LSD, YOLO)
Visual feature based odometry and loop closing
Point + Line based Simultanous Localization And Mapping

LiDAR-based SLAM

Geodetic Normal Distribution Map based Localization

GND map structure for map compression
Particle Filter and Kalman Filter based Localization in GND map structure

Semantic Point Cloud based SLAM

Deep learning-based semantic segmentation
Probabilistic uncertainty model of the semantic segmentation
Uncertainty model-based semantic SLAM using information fusion

HD Map Update

Geodetic Normal Distribution Map Update based on Crowdsourced changes

GND map structure for map compression
Change detection in the GND map against environment changes in crowdsourcing vehicles
GND map update based on crowdsourced map changes in the cloud server

Point Cloud Map Update based on Crowdsourced Changes

Point cloud map change detection based on ray-casting
Change merging based on Dempster-Shafer theory
Point cloud map update based on crowdsourced map changes in the cloud server